
ReactJS Girls Online #3 in Review

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ReactJS Girls is organised by and for the community, providing a platform for software engineers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to join in meaningful conversations. Since its creation in 2017, the ReactJS Girls community has encompassed more than 7.000 members, two locations, 19 in-person editions and one successful ReactJS Girls Conference. ReactJS Girls events are aimed to voice women engineers from all and any backgrounds as well as to act as a springboard for them to progress in their careers. Although only women are taking over the stage, attendees of any and all genders are welcome to attend the events and join the conversation.

This year ReactJS Girls events moved to the online world with the community hosting three amazing online meetups. You can read more on the ReactJS Girls Online #1 and ReactJS Girls Online #2 or watch the full livestream recording on our YLD Tech Talks Youtube channel. The latest ReactJS Girls’ third edition of the meetup has proved to be another fantastic opportunity to gather community members from all over the world. Read our little recap of the event below:

ReactJS Girls Online #3 in review:

Hosted by our one and only Luis Klefsjö, ReactJS Girls Online #3 featured fantastic talks from Lyndsey Scott (Fullstack Software Engineer at Beamery) and Katie Walker (Fullstack Senior Software Engineer at Collective Benefits) with a special guest appearance from Maria Luís Duro, our Talent and People Partner at YLD.

1 — ‘ How to Send a Text with React + Twilio’ with Lyndsey Scott

The meetup was kicked-off with a brilliant talk from Lyndsey focused on Twilio, a cloud communications platform used for customer engagement. Among other relevant issues and problems highlighted during the talk, she spotlighted the importance of accessibility and the role engineers play to ensure that users’ needs are met. Lyndsey led her presentation focusing on some of the processes regarding Twilio app such as receiving async data from Twilio webhook and text-encoding based validation. The talk was wrapped up with a little demo on text encoding using Twilio app — you can watch this and more here.

2 — ‘Building talks with React (using Reveal.js) with Katie Walker

The second presentation of the evening featured Katie and an incredible talk around Reveal.js — an open source HTML presentation framework. What are some of the Reveal.js features? How can you install this framework? Why might you want or not want to use Reveal? If some of these questions spark interest you should definitely watch this talk! Features such as styled components, CSS animations, among others were also brought up during Katie’s presentation — you can take a look at the slides or watch the full recording of the talk here.

This autumn edition of the ReactJS Girls meetup closed with a regular Q&A session featuring questions from our audience.

ReactJS Girls will be back in 2022 so don’t forget to follow ReactJS Girls on Twitter and Meetup to receive news first-hand. Follow YLD on Twitter and Linkedin to keep up with the news.

ReactJS Girls Online #3 in Review
was originally published in YLD Blog on Medium.
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